GER is highly qualified to provide Solid Waste and CCR services, from design to permitting to closure, with a thorough understanding and proper interpretation of the federal and state regulations.
The list of Solid Waste / Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) services offered by GER spans practically all facets of permitting and compliance for the regulated community, as well as providing technical and operational support assistance, expert witness testimony, and site assessment evaluations. Solid waste landfill design and permit services are provided by GER staff with extensive experience as both regulators and consultants in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of solid waste landfills.
GER’s CCR experience includes volumetric estimates, dewatering, clay liner evaluations, hazardous potential classification assessments, construction history, structural stability and safety factor assessments, and inflow design flood control system plans.
CCR Services
- Landfill Design
- Impoundment Closure
- Leachate Collection & Design Management
- Geological / Groundwater Evaluation (link loops back to Service level content)
- Regulatory Compliance / Technical Assistance
- Closure and Post Closure Plans
GER has built its practice in Missouri’s power generation industry and municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills around the strength of our staff’s collective understanding of environmental regulatory compliance and the geologic and engineering design and construction needs that are required for implementation. Since 2003, GER has worked with eight of Missouri’s coal-fired power plants on CCR-related projects involving primarily solids, process water and stormwater management.
MSW & CCR Landfills Services
- Landfill Design
- Landfill Gas Collection & Monitoring Systems
- Develop New Landfill Sites
- Expansion of Existing Landfills
- Leachate Collection & Design Management
- Geological / Groundwater Evaluation
- Closure / Post-Closure Care & Assistance
- MDNR and Local Permitting and Zoning Assistance
- Regulatory Compliance / Technical Assistance
GER provides engineering services for solid waste processing and recycling services including preliminary planning, support for local permitting and providing the necessary plans, reports and supporting documents required to apply for and obtain a solid waste processing facility construction and operating permit for municipal solid waste transfer stations. Our services also include assistance with obtaining a Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) entrance permit, development of site grading plans for construction purposes and execution of a geotechnical engineering evaluations, including structural foundation design and specifications.
Solid Waste Processing Facilities Services
- Transfer Stations
- Recycling Facilities
Landfill & CCR Compliance:
Subconsultant to prime consultant Reitz & Jens, Inc. Services completed to date include preliminary site investigation, detailed site investigation, groundwater monitoring, and closure and post-closure planning; including landfill design, construction permit application, public involvement, engineering management, groundwater monitoring and statistical analysis, and site access road design. Provided technical assistance for compliance with County zoning and environmental permitting.
Solid Waste Transfer Station:
Engineer of Record for site layout, design and operating details for a new solid waste transfer station on an approximate 10-acre tract in Lawrence County, MO. Design and permitting services included onsite traffic patterns; grading; building dimensions; pavements; water and wastewater sourcing; local and state permitting and approvals; and, stormwater design. Engineering services included preliminary planning, support for local permitting, provide required plans, reports and supporting documents required to apply for and obtain Missouri Solid Waste Processing Facility Construction and Operating permits.
Coal Ash Impoundments:
Responsible for development and implementation of groundwater monitoring system for NPDES compliance. Duties included preparation and submittal of a Site Characterization Work Plan detailing investigative methods and procedures, field work activities including piezometer drilling and installation, well development, aquifer testing, and monthly water level monitoring, and preparation of a Site Characterization Report describing the findings of the field investigation. Gave recommendations for installation of a long-term groundwater monitoring system. Prepared sampling and analysis protocols for regulatory approval and conduct routine water quality sampling and reporting.